Ingredients: Bring these to class Monday/Tuesday (If you turned in your mini-poster- I will hand it back)
1) Annotated "The Scarlet Ibis" story
2) Mini-poster of 5 symbols: picture, quote with citation, and multi-sentence commentary
3) Additional source that coordinates with the primary source (This may be an article, poem, song, interview, documentary, etc. It may be from the perspective of the bully or the bullied or someone trying to make it through with a physical/mental issue that makes it difficult to make their way in society.
Preheat your Chromebook: log into Google Classroom and download your report template.
Share with your partner so that you both have access to the same document.
Mix: I already typed up portions of the essay for you. All you have to do is add your ingredients and focus on thoughtfulness. Discuss with your partner the best quotes, commentary and outside sources to use. Add your portions in the highlighted sections. There are notes to guide you. Answer any questions I wrote for you, erasing them as you go. You may remove the highlighting on the template as you work or leave it if it helps you focus, but do remove the headings and questions that were guides.
Bake: I am raising our goals and adding a bit of style to our essays, specifically --embedding our quotes.
The good news is- I already typed those up too. Check them out and change them if you need to.
Presentation: Your goal to present your essay is to make sure that MLA is correct, you added a works cited, you made sure that you edited anything I typed to fit what you typed. Is the spelling correct?
Make sure that you run this final edit. Show it to Hill, if possible.
Serve Warm: As soon as you are done, upload to
It is due Wednesday/Thursday under one of the partner's names (NOT BOTH).