Time for a hero...
- A chart of each of your helpful/dangerous/creature- characters. you can make up your own if you want, but remember that Homer didn't. He wove together stories that already exist. Choose characters from any of your favorite tv shows, movies, sports, etc. You need a picture of each. You also need to know where they live, what their skills are, if they have or are trained on any weapons, have any superpowers, or any weaknesses. Remember the best characters have a belief system. They think they are doing the right thing.
- A hero: same list as above. What does your hero look like? What skills, weapons, superpowers, weaknesses. Where do they live? What is their day job? Whom do they love? What is their goal?
- A world: you need a map of where everyone lives and what the terrain is like. Also what are the rules of your world? What is normal? Why are all these different characters in one world? What time period is it?
Vocab. 11-12 Test this Wednesday/Thursday
Vocabulary, Website page on Google Classroom, Story chart/map/hero sketches.