Your assignment: find an article of your own on any of the issues Card brings up.
Ender's Game -Chapter 8 What makes an archetype or motif a special kind of symbolism? How does the Hero's Journey, often referred to as the Hero Archetype or Hero Motif fit your favorite books, movies, or video games? How does it fit you?
Hi everyone, I have two school business meetings on Thursday and Monday so I will be on campus, but out of class. Your work is below. Good Luck! Love, Graff-- LOL :)
Vocab 1-5 Test, Root List due, Extra Credit for cards, Ender's Quiz 4-6 and study guide check 1-6. Ender's Game: What does leadership cost?
Ender's Game: Chapter 13, Valentine Loving your enemy, facing yourself, and what that costs as a leader. Love Ender's Game? Wondering what to read next? There are two parallel series to choose from. Ender's Shadow is book one in a series that begins at the same time period as Ender's Game. While Game follows Ender's life and point of view, Shadow follows Bean's. Arguably more intelligent than Ender, Bean arrives at Battle School after Ender has already been chosen as the one, but it turns out that Bean is needed, too. One problem, Bean has to learn what comes to Ender naturally-- empathy. Without love or trust, will anyone follow him?
Remember- I came across Card and the Ender's series' because a student recommended it to me about 20 years ago. It was the first book a student gave to me to read. Since then hundreds of student have read Ender's Game and I have read about 13 books a year recommended by students. My board is always open to student recommendations! I take the homework you assign to me seriously, and I am always on the look out for good books to share, or possibly, to add to our official curriculum. Sophomore year's student recommended book? The House of the Scorpion. Look for it forth quarter next year!
I Came. I Saw. I Conquered.Latin. Attributed to Julius Caesar. Today we finish the last 20 min. of How to Train Your Dragon. Please pay attention carefully to our last hero motif stages. Hiccup has lost everything. Now it is time to face everything. Like many heroes he trains and gathers an army, but also like most of our heroes, he has to face the Evil and the final battle --alone. Stages: Hell, Devil, Death, and Resurrection. Pay special attention to: hero stages, symbols linking Hiccup to Toothless, links to previous foreshadowing, falling or other worlds apart from the human realm. We will discuss charts when I return. Read Veni Vidi Vici--Ender's Game Chapter 11.
Think about how Card is drawing plots together: the mind game, the battle room, the "real world" of the boys at school, and the bugger war. What similarities to you notice? What questions is Card asking the reader to think about? How does this track with the hero motif and Dragons. Finish chapter and work on packet with class time and for homework. Edit: Packet check 1-12 and Quiz 9-12 on Thursday- 2/21.
Ender's Game: What does leadership cost?
Ender's Game: What does leadership cost?
For Ender's Game we made a work cited and talked about the original publication date. If Ender's Game was originally written in 1977 (and even earlier as a short story) what was the world like in the 1960-70's that would have influenced the author? Look up information and add it to your Ender's Game notes. Study guide questions may be added to your notes page, printed, or typed. Located on Google Classroom. :) |
April 2020