Now for all you science officers of the fleet- we turn to the science of love. How and why are we attracted to certain people? Why does it seem inescapable? Is there a logical reason for all this 'love stuff'? :) See assignments on StudySync. We will, of course, work on them in class. Finish at home as needed. :) Love ya! ;)
This week:
Vocabulary Review 1-20 Exam! 2nd to last!! :) Turn in Sophomore Registration and talk to your counselor!!! :) This week's assignments below and on your StudySync! :) Romeo and Juliet lost their lives due to their mistakes. It is a terrible tragedy, but we who read their story are able to learn to mend our own relationships with parents, friends, others and lead lives full of love. On that note- we are preparing an essay on the characteristics of love we cherish, we need, and we need to be wary of. What does love mean to you and how do you take care of yourself and others so that we can lead our best lives? Celebrate Love. :) In other news, we are helping our cohorts at Glendora High School to create their best lives by looking our literature books from which we have learned so much. It is critical that we build relationships that are strong and supportive, and that we build an education for ourselves and others that is strong and supportive. We are going rouge and trying out a second literature book! Instead of the typical "should we have cell phones in schools" essay, we are going to make a difference in our school by writing a "which literature book/program is better for student's success" essay. :)
April 2020