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Great work everyone! Thank you to everyone who has been turning in their work consistently. Thank you to those of you who brought your grades up- sometimes two grades- with essays. Thank you to those of you who were late-- but fixed it. :) Class Averages
Period 2: 81.84%!! Period 4: Stunning 94.28%!! The importance of a poem: history, politics, symbolism-- and it's resounding comment on today. Our fundamental terms: Allusion, Allegory, Symbol, and Archetype. Comic Due: Friday 10/4If it is digital, please upload to Google Classroom. If it is a hard copy, bring to class. :) Paradise Soundtrack Due: T 10/12Your rough draft template is on Google Classroom, please alter it and make it your own, but include all the pieces: quote from Milton (cited), quote from song (cited), commentary -how they connect, and picture and/or video. Bring ear buds! You will have some time on Wednesday to work on your Rough Draft #2 (the paper copy) and you will have half of a period on Friday to work on Chromebooks. Final Drafts of your "essay" should be uploaded by 11:59 on Friday to Turnitin.com. Have Fun!
April 2020