Writing: This quarter we are in the deep end on a journey through great writing and the great allusions, symbols, history, psychology, plotting, and grammar that goes with it. We will be annotating the Odyssey and watching movies as an example, then writing our own epic to practice.
Odyssey packet- Introduction and Conclusion 4 paragraphs: 1) What does god/goddess/monster represent 2) Compare to real life article 3) What does 2nd god/goddess/monster represent 4) Compare to real life article work cited annotated story 2 annotated articles. Extra credit: typed paragraphs and work cited. | Epic due--End of the Quarter: 5 pages typed- unless other project Epic Outline: Cover Map *Optional- dedication page *Optional- Prologue/Prophecy Exposition- "Normal" life, typically isolation Location #1- arrival, meeting, confrontation, escape-Typically a "calling" Location #2- arrival, meeting, confrontation, escape- Typically journey to a special location Location #3- arrival, meeting, confrontation, escape- Typically a battle for dominance Location #4- arrival, meeting, confrontation, escape- Typically a battle to death/rebirth *Optional- homecoming Back cover with blurb :) |